
Abdul Khader Sowkath Ali


Ambassador at Large for free Liberland

Promoted positive relationships between city, county, state, federal and other municipal government offices by working collaboratively to resolve issues and regional problems affecting residents.

• Created departments, divisions, bureaus, administrative offices and citizen advisory committees, and guided each in making recommendations to improve policies, projects and spending allocations.

• Alerted constituents of government actions and programs by way of newsletters, personal appearances at town meetings and individual meetings.

• Kept up with news on daily basis to stay informed about local, regional, national and international events.

• Developed and strengthened political partnerships to further agendas.

• Completed paperwork, recognizing discrepancies and promptly addressing for resolution, especially during Pandemic situation, Transferring deceased to home, Chartering Aircraft for Repatriation Movements of Those Stranded.

Ambassador the state of African Diaspora