National Chairman

Pradeep Mishra Sarkar
National Chairman

Pradeep Mishra Sarkar ji has made significant contributions in his role as National Chairman of the MSME Promotion Council of India (MSME PCI) and has encouraged the growth and prosperity of the sector under his leadership. His dedication and working approach towards the organization have helped everyone understand the problems of small and medium entrepreneurs during his tenure.

As the National President of MSMEPCI, Pradeep Mishra Sarkar has left an indelible mark on the sector. His leadership has been instrumental in driving growth, fostering innovation, and empowering small and medium enterprises. Here’s why his contributions stand out:
Under his guidance, MSMEPCI has actively promoted the development and prosperity of micro, small, and medium enterprises. Pradeep Mishra Sarkar’s vision extends beyond mere survival; he envisions a thriving ecosystem where MSMEs flourish.
His hands-on approach and dedication have allowed him to deeply understand the challenges faced by small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. By actively engaging with stakeholders, he has advocated for policies that address these challenges head-on.
He recognizes that innovation is the lifeblood of MSMEs. He has encouraged a culture of creativity, pushing for technological advancements and adaptive strategies.
His leadership emphasizes sustainability, balancing economic growth with environmental and social well-being.
Pradeep Mishra Sarkar believes that resilient MSMEs contribute to a robust national economy.
Through networking, workshops, and partnerships, he has connected MSMEs with resources, markets, and funding opportunities. His tireless efforts have bridged gaps and facilitated collaboration across the sector.